TRENDS: Lame answer, I know
The iPhone is finally in stores. In the weeks leading up to its illustrious debut, one friend after another would ask me if I planned to buy it. They'd ask all nonchalantly on the surface, but underneath their thin layer of indifference lay a deep well of lust and anticipation. My response? "Hell no! That thing doesn't even have keys! I'm not paying $500 for that!" This is a lame answer I know. But hey, I was one of the last people on earth to cave in and buy a Blackberry or digital camera. I still like Polaroid cameras and own a few VHS tapes. Not that I don't think Steve Jobs is brilliantly forward-thinking. And aesthetically, the phone is one of the cooler looking ones out there. I'm just not a tech hound like the crazy man in this video (click here) or the mofo's in this clip (click here.)