WARDROBE: Yet another reason why we need to go to Japan
We just got back from a very short trip to London and stopped by Dover Street Market, the retail project/wonderland of all things cool, obscure and edgy owned by Rei Kawakubo. While browsing through the bottom floor we happened upon several racks filled with these amazingly constructed skirts, dresses, jackets and coats, some embellished with embroidered and brass spiders. Others had rows of matte paillettes. We wanted it all and made a mental note to find the brand, Undercover Co., Ltd. when we returned to New York. Sadly, the line, designed by Jun Takahashi, who has a huge cult following and store in Japan and earned impressive reviews when he showed his spring collection in Paris, is not sold anywhere in the U.S., which sucks for us. Surely, some of the city's cool emporiums like Opening Ceremony or Kirna Zabete could hook a girl up by buying Takahashi's goods? Here's a pic of the coat that set our mouths salivating and a few other looks we like. The photos really don't do the clothes justice though.
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